well, another silly season wrapped up.... what have i been up to??
above and directly below are pics from NYE where we performed 5 routines during the evening in full 40s get-up....
below is a picture from the Swing Patrol chrissy party, where we had to go as something starting with 'M'... can you guess what I went as??? (Hint: small, black, large ears, ridiculously cute.....) I was one of about ten who came as the same character, interpreted in many ways. The divine girl next to me made her own dress out of McDonald's wrappers (her handbag was a takeaway bag).... she looked awesome and was so close to winning the best costume (beaten by a mantelpiece). Lotsa fun. VERY VERY hot night (early Dec).
The last pic is of a gig we did that same night as the M party.... at Rod Laver Arena - 20s theme.... not one of my best gigs but a good one nevertheless. This next summer is full of Honours work, Scat Pack (which Kim and I have been promoted to - the top performance troupe at Swing patrol - dancing with teachers now!!!), dancing at the zoo twilights, working on a routine for Melbourne Lindy battle (part of Melbourne Swing Festival in March), trying to stay cool in amongst the stress and heat and trying to get fitter also..... no, not a new years resolution, an old years resolution unfortunately....
hope all is well across the globe xx btw- go see Happy Feet - LOVED IT!!!!