Hey all....
Been ultra busy (funny considering I was meant to be having the break time right now) - but when life throws a few fun things in the mix, of course I am going to say 'ooh! yes please!' (much in the style of ye olde Peter Combe, childhood hero).
But enough blabbing on about nothing-
Working occasional days at Werribee Zoo: loving it!!!!!!! Got some photos of cool animals at both Melb and Werribee Zoos (courtesy of fellow casual relief teacher whose camera is much more impressive than mine)... Induction day at Melbourne Zoo meant that I got to pat and feed one of the newer elephants (so adorable!).

Collingwood Childrens Farm: my other new workplace - also loving it!!!!! VERY different style of animals; am increasing my muscle mass in the forearms through manual cow milking; one goat just had kids (yes, the original 'kids') who are adorable; Hugh the lamb follows us all around the farm;

Melbourne Museum: also going to start volunteering each month at Melbourne Museum in Carlton - doing all sorts of stuff. My intro/orientation is coming up soon and then full steam ahead into all of that - so will hopefully learn a huge stack of other interesting museum-related facts!!!
Australian Jitterbug Championships: this weekend - am going in showcase with my co-teacher from Ringwood. Should be an interesting night. Had our last official rehearsal today - went a bit crappy so the real thing should technically be awesome (bad rehearsal = great gig I hope!). Will inform of outcome at a later stage.
GENERAL BLA BLA: Kim has less than a week to finish his Masters then he is free. In the meantime, a general lack of sleep and heightened level of nervous energy is at the forefront of our home. He'll do awesomely. I'm terribly proud of how he's worked all the time I've known him.
Have had to get orthotics for my feet.... long story involving dancing related injury from January. Am getting used to them. Bit weird and feeling a little taller than normal. Won't be fitting in my high heels somehow......
Am working on producing a paper out of my thesis - got unofficial results but cannot release them til I get the official piece of paper.... leave you all in suspense (Hint: I'm VERY excited by the results). Have been in and out of uni still, doing more statistics and tests with Richard in prep for the journal.
Not sure what I'll do next year in terms of study - possibly PhD, possibly Master of Teaching, possibly rolling into a ball and hiding in a dark corner until someone makes up my mind for me. That brings me to today.