Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Melbourne Swing Festival has been fun, as per usual..... I din't partake in workshops this year due to time commitments - the thesis due in les than 3 weeks and all! However, I attended social events, performed as part of Moomba and competed at the Melbourne Lindy Battle in teams event and the disco dance jam (no relation to swing whatsoever but a lot of fun!)....

Here are some pics of the last weekend...
I am also going to start teaching at Ringwood Swing Patrol (well, I started last night) - teaching Levels 1 to 3.... big step and hella scary but should be a good learning curve. Everyone's been real encouraging so far. Back to the word processing and word counting - have to eliminate 500 words somewhere and my supervisor now wants another statistical test inserted!!! Life is pretty good in amongst all the stress.